Many foreign websites are marketing to the United States or other English speaking countries. The problem is that the broken English used on these websites is hard to understand and just not professional. In today's American market, the more foreign or hard to understand a website or product is, the smaller the chance they will make a purchase.
To get more customers from the United States and other English speaking countries you need to have a professional website that is easy to follow and easy to read. If people cannot understand important facts you have listed on your website, you will lose that customer forever.
My team will fix any broken or misused English currently on your website to read easily effortlessly for English speaking customers.
Here are some of the benefits that our service includes:
Because people can read and understand your product and website, you will have more repeat customers.
Now that you have new customers and they are able to interact with your website more easily, you will have more repeat business.
These customers are so satisfied with your product and website , they will spread the word and tell their friends, giving even more new customers.
What people are saying about this service...
"I have many more customers than before" - Yen
"I am selling to a larger market now" - Chen
"Best website interpreters" - Chow
We are a great company. We are here to serve you!